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Never losing sight of what makes someone outstanding. Now that's coaching.

Our learning for strengths coaches is built on decades of research to determine how the best performers in the world succeed. For both current and potential coaches, our strengths courses help you develop your strengths and develop managers, employees, teams, and people into their best selves at work and in life.

Why Strengths-Based Development?

This isn't your average coaching program.

Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned coach, we have insights, advice and courses for you.

Gallup's CliftonStrengths® coaching stands apart in its efficacy and foundation on research. For decades, we've allowed our scientific discoveries to guide the development of CliftonStrengths. But we don't stop there. We conduct research to learn what happens when people develop their talents using CliftonStrengths in the real world.

The benefits are evident. For instance, we've found that employees who receive strengths-based development have:

7% to 23%higher engagement

10% to 19%increased sales

8% to 18%Increased performance


Discover or enhance your coaching skills.

As we define it, a talent is a pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively applied.

Often, talents are woven so tightly into the fabric of our lives that we, and others, fail to discern them. They can become so familiar and commonplace that we cease to value them. And yet, they explain everything we do. The main purpose of the CliftonStrengths assessment and CliftonStrengths coaches is to help someone step back from themselves so they can identify, value and then refine these talents in all of their endeavors.

To help someone develop their talents, you'll need a working knowledge of talent categories, what we call "talent themes." You'll need to know how each theme shows up in the world and how a person can invest in their most powerful or dominant themes.

As a CliftonStrengths coach, you will learn everything you need to know about talents and how people make the most of what they do best.

Recommended Course: Gallup Global Strengths Coach

Everybody. When people want to accomplish anything, they benefit from having a coach. A strengths coach helps people explore their talents, unleash their potential and be at their best.

Absolutely. When managers stop behaving like bosses and start being coaches, they see a whole host of positive business outcomes. If you manage people, you know you can't afford to have an approach that's either ineffective or counterproductive.

Managers tend to face numerous challenges such as handling many competing priorities and a seemingly endless string of work interruptions. Managers are 67% more likely than individual contributors to strongly agree they have a lot of interruptions at work.

So managers know time spent with employees has to be efficient and effective.

Moreover, Gallup's research shows that today's employees want a coach, not a boss. The transition from boss to coach means managers are expected to do more than delegate. Their job is to develop stars in an individualized way through collaborative goal setting, future-oriented coaching and achievement-oriented accountability. Coaches lead great conversations with their employees -- they don't just talk at them and give feedback.

Recommended Courses: Gallup Global Strengths Coach (formerly Accelerated Strengths Coaching) and The Boss to Coach Journey

Learn the seven CliftonStrengths developmental milestones. Gallup has identified the seven stages people pass through on their way toward full mastery of their CliftonStrengths:




Focus and Investment

Complementary Partnerships

Application and Strategy

Self-Expression and Self-Regulation

These milestones not only help you master your own talents and strengths, but they increase your understanding of where your clients are on their path to strengths mastery. Help your coaching clients grow by continually refining and expanding the tools in your coaching toolbox.

Recommended Course: Advanced CliftonStrengths Coaching

Getting Started

How does a coach start developing someone's strengths?

  1. 1 Have clients or employees discover their CliftonStrengths.
    The simple, hour-long online assessment measures people's natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

    After completing the assessment, they'll discover their talents and get an individualized description of their CliftonStrengths themes.

  2. 2 Get personalized insights and learning resources. CliftonStrengths reports include insights about how people's talents appear in real life. You'll discover the perfect ways to explain and understand individuals' talents.

    Through our learning platform, clients and employees can participate in e-learning modules, watch videos and find content about how to apply their talents every day.

  3. 3 Provide one-on-one coaching and manager feedback. Help clients and employees aim their talents at anything that comes their way.

    Organizations can help employees develop their strengths by providing one-on-one coaching and training managers to have feedback conversations based on strengths.

Learning Pathway

Learn how you can become a strengths coach.

  1. 1 Complete Gallup's CliftonStrengths Coaching courses.

    Learn how to be an expert strengths coach through our transformational learning curriculum.

    You have two options for coursework:

  2. 2 Complete Your Certification Application and Exam.

    Once you've finished the coursework:

    • complete the online application
    • complete the coach's agreement
    • take the online exam

    Along with checking those boxes, you'll collect coaching evaluations from a few of your clients.

Learning Methods

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Pick one Gallup learning option, or combine it with another. We've created Gallup learning so that you can learn from almost anywhere.

Course leader standing up pointing to a course participant’s booklet

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A group of people clapping in an exciting briefing.

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A coach standing up pointing to a board in front of a businessman.

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People find their greatness because of coaches like you.

Too many people agonize over finding and fixing their weaknesses -- with disheartening results. Coaches like you flip that approach on its head. You develop people's strengths and help them become more confident, productive and self-aware. Now that's coaching.